Mario’z Eats

Hey there,
Thanks for stopping by. I’m Mario and I’m a neuroscientist studying Alzheimer’s disease.

Research in lab sciences involves 90% failure and 10% success. Starting in grad school, I figured I might as well do something to counterbalance the experiments in lab.

And thus baking. I get to scour the web for protocols, then find the best aspects and combine and test, changing single variables to find the optimal conditions.
Yay science!

Ever since starting to baking in 2015ish?, I realized it’s pretty fun and actually works! Plus I get to incorporate my forgotten love of art.
Follow my progress on here and Instagram and hope you enjoy!

Also, why Mario’z Eats? Mario’s Eats was taken on Instagram 😂😝.
Also also, if you want to do a collab, shoot me an email (address link in side bar).